I'm addicted to allrecipes.com
Seriously, I think I could spend hours looking up yummy new recipes to try. Kurtis finds it amusing that I will make something tasty and then possibly not make it again just because I am so busy trying other new and exciting recipes.
So you know our crazy, huge tomato? The one I thought would make some delicious pico de gallo. Well, I used it instead to make a vegetarian version of
this recipe...yummy! I had enough for the vodka cream sauce, the fresh tomato chopped up was an excellent replacement for the canned tomatoes if I can be so bold :), and more to top our salad. I sliced up our squash and tore up our kale and skipped the Italian sausage (cause I didn't have any). I also didn't have heavy whipping cream so I used half and half with a teaspoon of cornstarch (thanks for the tip from VBHOKIE). The reviews are a favorite part for me, they have helped me break out of that "I have to do exactly what it says" mentality. And about those reviews, it is nice to order them by 'most helpful' to get some of the best tips. We enjoyed it with
these breadsticks that Malachi and I made earlier in the day, another new favorite food blog I have been devouring lately that you should check out.
So what have you been cooking up lately and where do you go to find inspiration and new recipes? And, I'm always game to try a new recipe so if you have a favorite don't be shy, share the recipe! :)