so my brother and his girlfriend are out visiting us for a week and we decided to go camping in yosemite. i was a little concerned how my son would do with the whole thing being that he is only 14 months, but as it turned out i should have been more worried about myself.
this will turn into a much too long post if i write everything in story format, and i am much to practical to do that, so i will give you a run down of the "wonderful" events that occurred.
*planned on leaving on wednesday night, didn't leave till thursday morning
*7 hour drive to get to yosemite entrance (not bad time since we had to stop and let the little one run around and we needed to eat)
*passed up the first campsite because we thought we could do much better and the lady in charge of it was a tad too talkative.
*drove 30 minutes down a bumpy dirt road only to find a campsite that was uninhabited and did not have bear boxes
*the first two campsites were just outside of the park so we opted to take our chances inside the park at this point
*first campsite full
*stopped to ask a ranger about another campsite..."not open until tomorrow" he tells us and then says the only one he knows of that "might" have openings is another one that is almost on the other side of the park...we opt to take our chances
*it's not full (yay) and we can pick any campsite we want (double yay)...we find an AWESOME campsite, Kurtis goes to reserve it...can't have it because it's been reserved by someone that came from another campsite that had overbooked..oh yah, we find this out after we have put up one of our tents
*we drive around and find another one that we back to the guy at the front to reserve it...he's gone for the day and when we drive back we see someone unloading their car at "our" campsite
*we finally find another campsite and lay claim immediately
*we unload, girls start dinner, boys start to set up tents and then Kurtis says, "you're not going to believe this..."
*we forgot our sleeping bags!!...4 adults, 1 baby, 2 sleeping bags and 30 degree weather...
*we decide to ALL sleep in the same tent to be the warmest...but not the most comfortable
*Mike wakes up in the middle of the night and throws up...5 times!!
*Malachi takes up most of the space in the tent
*we decide we do not want to sleep that way a second night OR buy two sleeping we pack up camp
*make a quick visit to yosemite valley
*meet a crazy guy in the visitor center
*run over a squirrel...and kill it
*drive to sequoia national park....and take the LONG way home
*Malachi hit his breaking point and didn't stop crying until i nursed him in his carseat while we continued driving
*got home at 1am
the best part...we were laughing almost non-stop and actually had a great time bonding